In organization people to work effectively in an organization emphasis on industrial accident and safety should be made. The welfare of the employee should be placed upper most among other priorities.
In this then it could be said that management it not complete without the management of employee welfare. Due to the importance of making sure that employees of a given organization are safe and secure. There is need to device on effective means of ensuring these
This research tries to X ray how organization cans mange the welfare of their employee especially in the work place. In large organization like premier breweries PLC. Onitsha where heavy duty equipment and other machines are utilized. There are tendencies of hazards in some aspect of the job. These hazards come in the form of accidents that may range from simple or minor injuries to complex major or even fatal accident that could render many worker useless for a longtime or even for life.
This study will surely go along way to identifying the cause of accidents in industries and further more suggest ways through which workers can go about their function more safely and efficiently with less fear of getting harmed or injured.
In the past a good number of employees have had their carriers destroyed due to the ghastly factory accident. The unfortunate thing about the whole issue is that most is the accidents take place because of very poor maintenance cultures. In other cases the employee are not given the needed orientation required to operate the machines properly.
Further more in this project work I will deliberate considerably on the introduction of certain safety measures in different departments. Of a named organization ( i.e. premier breweries PLC Onitsha)
The measure if used will go along way to reducing the cause of accidents.
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